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The travel journal of Tiberius  Liyana Stonebrook
Book 1 - The journey begins

Words'n'scribbles by Zebulon the Storyteller

01b My plan is to follow....png
01a Early Autumn.png
02c Giant tree.png
03e Sunset tree.png
03c The forest is both....png
02b I was to travel....png
03d Gras Seed Finch.png
02a Mid Autumn.png
03b Some say that the....png
03a Late Autumn.png
04b But that was two weeks....png
04a Early Winter.png
05a Four weeks since first snow.png
05b Gloomtree.png
06b Elder henge.png
06a Midwinter - nine weeks.png
07a Midwinter - ten weeks.png
08b It has been good.._
08a Late Winter.png
09a Early Spring.png
09b Lukius, however....png
09c well enough....png
10a Early Spring.png
10b She was talkative....png
11a While lost on the streets....png
11.1b eventual resolution.png
11.1a Mid-Spring - Ardrennan.png
11ba In the library....png
11b In the Old Qeen's....png
11e I found this picture....png
11.2b Loreli, through a .png
11.2d The library archives are .png
11.2c gardens grow to become .png
11.2a Midsummer - Ardrennan.png
11.2e caves of the Khumoska .png
11d Today I found this....png
11c Who are the secret....png
Entry 12c.png
12a Late summer.png
12c To my dearest....png
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